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sorry to ask this but when do you think this DLC will be release to the public??? (sorry if this question makes you uncomfortable) also i love your game/art<<333

(2 edits)

I see, how many episodes is planned? Liam is my first pick before Alex xD

He's adorable to tease with >\\<

12 episodes! then everyone is getting little extras later on lol

Liam is very cute lol he's funny <3


will be any cute thicc femboy? cause i ain't buying if it's not

Now downloads? Please add a downloadable version!

Hi it's only in early access for Patreon and Kickstarter supporters right now as I don't feel comfortable allowing people to purchase the DLC at this stage. n.n once a bit more content is available and it's closer to completion it will be available to the public, but for now the only way to play Liam's DLC is through supporting development on Patreon n.n <3

I have "Now" written, but it should say "No". Sorry!

How can I the dlc open, if I have this? I would know this yet, because, if I get this, then it's to late, if I don't know, how I can open this!

there is a file to put in the games folder for pc, but for android devices i have not tested installing DLC yet so I am not sure. when it's ready for download and tested I'll put the instructions for android on the page :)!

Thanks 👍