Sophie/Ethan e9 available !

And here is Sophie and Ethan's version of episode 9, meaning every single hangout is now available. they're done. I'm free. The episode is missing quite a bit of voice acting though, the mini cg for this episode isn't complete and i haven't added it in yet, and there are placeholder backgrounds for some of the exhibits they visit since the BG artist I contacted is actively working on them right now. but it is in a fully playable state and that is what matters!

This is the second longest e9 variant after Alex and Liam, and there are two epilogue variants for it lmao. There is also a peculiar way that Ethan and Sophie gain affection this time around, so don't be alarmed if they seem a little bit volatile lol. 

This also adds in a few more trophy icons that were missing as it happens when things get added in between builds.


Magical Warrior Diamond Heart + Liam DLC (PC) 762 MB
Version 16 39 days ago
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart + Liam DLC (Mac) 757 MB
Version 15 39 days ago
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart + Liam DLC [Android] 780 MB
39 days ago

Get Magical Warrior Diamond Heart - Liam Route DLC (Liam Ep 1-6)

Buy Now$8.00 USD or more


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(1 edit) (-2)

8$? Are you kidding me? No thanks!

Edit: And if I click on the "Buy Now"-Button, I get an error! Thanks goes to!


It's about 6 hours worth of additional content for a free visual novel that i've been working on for years nearly entirely all by myself. Which is why it's 8$

And It's currently in early access for backers and patrons. Which is why it's not available to actually purchase.


its just eight dollars dont whine about it lol