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How is the progress coming along?

I love this game so much

As a person who loves the Magical Girl genre I have to say you have a gem here. It feels every bit like participating in a magical girl story and I can't wait for the full version.

Quick question: How much is gonna be the full game? With the full content and all? So I can start putting some money aside to buy it!

Voice acting is still not implemented?

it is not. The voice acting will be implemented in the final game!


I've heard the voice acting samples on the Characters page and I think the actors did a decent job with what they were given, and I've watched the VA video previews on your Patreon page and it was alright, though I think it would be nice if the characters actually spoke the dialogue. But all in all, it makes me really anticipated for what the final build brings. Good work.


I feel like im the magical girl... I LOVE IT!!!


I love it!! I rlly want to know how this is gonna end!

so adicctable! love it!

OMG!!!!! I don't even know what to say but I LOVED IT!!

Not too often find female characters of a different complexion but haven't tried game yet.

(1 edit) (+4)

This is really nice, but it seems cliche and or rushed in some parts like how Clover joined them in her episode. How they defeat the bad guys is sorta weird too, it's a pattern of :bad guy comes in, injures the current crystal warriors, new character comes in, transforms, defeats bad guy almost single-handedly. Despite all of these, I really like it and am looking forward for more.


You kindad described how Sailor Moon's episodes filed in the new heroes.


This demo was really good. I cannot wait to play the full game. When is it out?

i know i'm late to respond, but they should be releasing the full game sometime in 2020


I walked into the cafe and all I saw was Hajime and Byakuya xD

I approve of this comment.


I really love this game! I love the characters and the music. When the demo ended, I was about to cry. I wanted so much to continue the game! Is there a release date? and will the full game will be paid?

there is not a full release date yet! It will have a full and a paid version when it is complete :^) thank you and im glad you enjoyed it!

I'm in the midst of Chapter Five and I just started giggling with glee this is a DELIGHT

Currently on chapter FOUR, wow. This is a spectacular demo and I'm so glad to be getting the short version of the chapters so, when I buy this, I can properly appreciate the finished product!

...Serious kudos for the length of this demo, though, I'm on episode three and just. Wow.

Okay. So I like this, particularly the characters that are developing. If the author is interested in constructive criticism, I would suggest that she ditch the 'oversleeping' cliche, or at least establish her oversleeping as out of character.

I really do like the art style and the different characters, especially Zacharie and Liam.

Nice demo. Very long as for demo of visual novel.

Interesting, funny. colorful story :) with nice characters, and a lot plot twists and meaningful choices. 

Good artstyle. All characters are good looking and they have their own stories, personalities and role. 

I like it. And maybe even I'm waiting for more... hehe    

just finished the demo...and DAMN!!!!! when will this be realesd?!?! I WANT IIIIT!!!!!!! 10/10 best game ever loved it! :D

you are amazing btw!

Is this going to have voice acting in the near future?

super cute!

hello from tumblr! Neat!!

loved the demo it's so Cute  . made me think of Sailor moon in a way . 

(1 edit)

Heyo, Cannot wait till the full release. Haven't tried it , BUT because of the positive comments and the awesome engaging story line, I'm really hoping i will love it. -Blood

Ahhh this game is so positive and fun and cute it makes me so happy!! I can't wait for the full release!!! :D


Just what I was looking for :D

I had played another magical girl VN, and was looking for others when this popped up. I love the character diversity, and there were quite a few hilarious moments as well. Definitely looking forward to the full version!

I also made a let's play, and plan to cover the rest of the game in the near future. Hope this helps!

(2 edits) (+1)

#BlackAnimeGirlMagicMy edges were SNATCHED!

The racial diversity in this game was amazing! The story is very interesting and I feel the execution is going well. Comedy is flawless, there are many points in this VN that will have you screaming.

I must thank the GD for making such a beautiful black female protagonist. You are showing girls who look like Valerie and love anime are being represented and that's what I love the most.

Thank you so much for making this great Vn


I also made a video on this game if you don't have the time to read it:


this post made me smile a lot lol. i watched the video too and I liked it a lot, im glad you enjoyed the demo so much!

Love this game!!!!!!!

OMG this is so freaking cute~ I'm already shipping people up!

Is looking good so far ! :)

The best visual novel game I have ever played!! I can't wait for the full version~!

i cant download this, how can i download it?

The download link is at the bottom of the page it should start downloading right away

This game is great, I hope a full release happens soon. I love the outfits , the magical girl plotline and the awesome chracters of color, good job.

WE NEED MORE AHHHH<333 amazing work so far!


Need full game! We want moaaar


This is awesome; when is the full release though?? :((

pleaseee i gotta knowww


yeah me too i gotta knoww pls this game is the best game ever, by the way great Job!! like really ❤

Possibly my favorite otome game I have ever played! The art is already so beautiful and all the subtle character feature and backgrounds! My word! I can't wait until the full release, It's so wonderful, magical girl game? Yes please.

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