HD Build Update

Build updated for HD. Sadly this update does NOT contain new chapters.

BUT it's updating the game to 1080P resolution and adding in some new graphics and animations, fixing some bugs, and adjusting grammar and spelling errors. The game has also been updated to use Renpy 8 instead of Renpy 7. I recommend updating if you want to enjoy the newer artwork. (If you're super interested in extra episodes, then you can subscribe to patreon for early access to Liam's DLC.)

If you want to keep up with updates automatically check out this guide on how to keep your game up to date

Known errors for now: the font size toggle stopped working for android for some reason.

Episode 13 [Alex] and Episode 9 [Zacharie/Clover] will be added in very very soon, so stay tuned!


Magical Warrior Diamond Heart [1-13 Demo] -APK 695 MB
Jul 09, 2023
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart [Common Route] - PC 730 MB
Version 3 Jul 09, 2023
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart [Common Route] - MAC 725 MB
Version 2 Jul 09, 2023

Get Magical Warrior Diamond Heart [Common Route]

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